Win Win Lottery Result W-784 is one of the seven weekly lotteries organized by the Kerala government, with each ticket costing Rs. 40. The draw for Win-Win takes place every Monday at 3 PM in the presence of officials. Click the link below to check the Win-Win lottery result for 26-08-2024 instantly if you are eagerly awaiting a chance to celebrate a win, download the official PDF results at 4 PM to verify your lottery number. Players can also find the latest prize details ranging from first to consolation prizes.
Today & Yesterday Result
1st Prize Rs.7,500,000/- (75 Lakhs)
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
2nd Prize Rs.500,000/- (5 Lakhs)
3rd Prize Rs.100,000/- (1 Lakh)
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
5th Prize Rs.2,000/-
6th Prize Rs.1,000/-
7th Prize Rs.500/-
8th Prize Rs.100/-