Sthree Sakthi SS 429 Bhagyakuri Lottery Result is one of the seven weekly lotteries conducted by the Directorate of Kerala State Lotteries. The Sthree Sakthi lottery ticket costs Rs. 40 per ticket. It occurs every Tuesday of the month with a code of ‘SS’. At 3 PM, you can check the live 20-08-2024 Sthree Sakthi lottery result using the link below. Players can also download the PDF format of the Kerala Sthree Sakthi lottery results at 4 PM. If you are among the lucky winners, know the process to claim the prize
Today & Yesterday Result
1st Prize Rs.7,500,000/- (75 Lakhs)
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
2nd Prize Rs.500,000/- (5 Lakhs)
3rd Prize Rs.100,000/- (1 Lakh)
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
5th Prize Rs.2,000/-
6th Prize Rs.1,000/-
7th Prize Rs.500/-
8th Prize Rs.100/-