Among the seven weekly lotteries, Nirmal Bhagyakuri is a popular Kerala state lottery enjoyed by many players. This Friday, the Kerala lottery result for Nirmal NR-392 on 09-08-2024 will be updated here at 3 PM. Find the winning lucky draw number for the Nirmal lottery result and officially download the PDF results by 4 PM. Check out the prize structure and claiming process, ranging from a 70 lakh cash prize to consolation prizes.
Today And Yesterday’s Result
1st Prize Rs.7,000,000/- [70 Lakhs]
Agency No.: Y 4131
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
NA 884654
NB 884654
NC 884654
ND 884654
NE 884654
NF 884654
NG 884654
NJ 884654
NK 884654
NL 884654
NM 884654
2nd Prize Rs.10,00,000/- [10 Lakhs]
NG 131548
Agent Name:
Agency No.:
3rd Prize Rs.1,00,000/- [1 Lakh]
NA 921181
NB 909745
NC 441887
ND 407369
NE 339896
NF 423209
NG 458309
NH 212755
NJ 989785
NK 713478
NL 915702
NM 684005
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
0621 1272 2278 3255 3695 4218 6057 7162 7231 7261 7454 7487 7554 8397 8600 8686 9752 9832
5th Prize Rs.1,000/-
0013 0291 0449 0532 1210 2385 3095 3622 4067 4610 4782 5237 5358 5509 5644 5658 5859 6380 6452 6908 7154 7250 7398 7419 7562 8550 8637 8681 8806 8807 8872 9215 9276 9576 9692 9737
6th Prize Rs.500/-
0005 0333 0426 0451 0460 0562 0995 1065 1115 1330 1481 1941 1966 2192 2416 2533 2723 2730 2856 2951 3173 3270 3343 3395 3573 3585 3690 3890 4099 4184 4260 4439 4483 4722 4876 5010 5125 5179 5366 5586 5617 5741 5756 5884 6195 6351 6419 6514 6574 6692 6713 6726 6771 6779 6806 6872 6897 6998 7084 7637 7681 7759 7889 8018 8045 8475 8793 8916 8991 9063 9150 9244 9337 9393 9400 9451 9716 9876 9942
7th Prize Rs.100/-
0375 3584 9776 0679 9708 1213 4761 2388 5656 6542 0214 8020 5646 1133 8504 9583 0478 7527 4826 5982 8290 5180 2491 4060 5045 2832 5906 3417 1056 8612 6486 4933 7480 0854 9267 7990 7166 1153 3956 5029 6170 5781 0481 7177 7902 2469 7245 2160 9053 7741 3699 6715 2630 5809 7198 6786 3836 5325 2171 2439 2757 4632 3877 7084 6735 8040 7424 7441 3494 0903 9080 9555 4026 8385 9986 9381 0200 1673 7780 9829 6672 8089 8926 3968 1854 9111 4545 2818 1339 3667 7268 7972 6240 6767 4769 1429 5380 2479 4414 8361 6370 4275 1307 6377 1644 2809 7575 4413 3920 5583 1705 9807 7472 2126 0464 9468 2668 9279 7163 3780 8225 4194 2986