Among the seven weekly lotteries, Nirmal Bhagyakuri is a popular Kerala state lottery enjoyed by many players. This Friday, the Kerala lottery result for Nirmal NR-389 on 19.07.24 will be updated here at 3 PM. Find the winning lucky draw number for the Nirmal lottery result and officially download the PDF results by 4 PM. Check out the prize structure and claiming process, ranging from a 70 lakh cash prize to consolation prizes.
Today And Yesterday’s Result
1st Prize Rs.80,00,000/- [80 Lakhs]
Agent Name: ARJUN P
Agency No.: S 1035
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
NN 901844
NO 901844
NP 901844
NR 901844
NS 901844
NT 901844
NU 901844
NV 901844
NW 901844
NX 901844
NZ 901844
2nd Prize Rs.10,00,000/- [10 Lakhs]
NR 167787 (WAYANADU)
Agent Name: SHALINI
Agency No.: W 2503
3rd Prize Rs.1,00,000/- [1 Lakh]
NN 631334
NO 608759
NP 940954
NR 827492
NS 225183
NT 545270
NU 275062
NV 533185
NW 232276
NX 464102
NY 555564
NZ 170624
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
0058 0634 3854 4216 4455 4721 4792 5856 5879 6425 6716 7015 7142 7781 8453 8753 8757 9892
5th Prize Rs.1,000/-
0174 0645 1244 1516 1883 1950 2510 2614 3043 3404 3659 3846 4138 4173 4596 4638 5024 5302 5422 5542 5702 5782 5825 5877 5891 5892 5913 6696 6935 7177 7483 8419 8560 8700 9306 9832
6th Prize Rs.500/-
0138 0159 0490 0577 0927 0974 1034 1159 1288 1432 1781 1886 2094 2131 2160 2319 2389 2428 2460 2516 2600 2645 2825 3084 3091 3199 3293 3342 3516 3651 3668 3742 3825 3900 4014 4120 4127 4538 4543 4668 4728 4781 4965 5122 5158 5247 5395 5603 5797 5937 6020 6227 6275 6536 6593 6652 6714 6897 7212 7368 7567 7598 7716 7847 7862 7865 7956 7992 8081 8406 8465 8596 8799 8901 8988 9068 9255 9280 9584
7th Prize Rs.100/-
0236 0260 0326 0328 0338 0340 0467 0596 0613 0815 1185 1330 1352 1356 1398 1471 1495 1649 1667 1894 1907 2019 2238 2243 2351 2380 2412 2444 2487 2589 2628 2646 2668 2703 2796 2850 3020 3040 3376 3384 3580 3769 3843 3845 3869 3915 4008 4113 4122 4218 4229 4333 4442 4510 4591 4628 4665 4695 4859 4905 4973 4975 5083 5100 5207 5220 5502 5539 5582 5587 5778 5898 5924 5988 6023 6065 6105 6113 6121 6201 6258 6342 6356 6378 6447 6842 6898 6932 6992 7063 7088 7202 7379 7516 7751 7802 7955 7957 7968 8029 8032 8034 8126 8185 8251 8292 8361 8430 8717 8721 8760 8871 8876 9047 9197 9308 9503 9518 9520 9732 9935 9939