Every Sunday, the Akshaya AK-660 lottery game is conducted under the supervision of the Kerala government. Identified by the code ‘AK-660‘ and featuring unique numbers, the latest Akshaya lottery results are announced in the presence of officials to prevent scams. The Kerala State Lottery Department has declared the results of the Akshaya lucky draw for 14.05.24. View the full list of winning numbers below and receive live updates on prize details. Players can also download today’s Akshaya lottery results in PDF format at 4 PM.
Today & Yesterday Result
1st Prize Rs.7,000,000/- [70 Lakhs]
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
2nd Prize Rs.500,000/- [5 Lakhs]
3rd Prize Rs.1,00,000/- [1 Lakh]
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
5th Prize Rs.2,000/-
6th Prize Rs.1,000/-
7th Prize Rs.500/-
8th Prize Rs.100/-