Every Sunday, the Akshaya AK-659 lottery game is conducted under the supervision of the Kerala government. Identified by the code ‘AK-659‘ and featuring unique numbers, the latest Akshaya lottery results are announced in the presence of officials to prevent scams. The Kerala State Lottery Department has declared the results of the Akshaya lucky draw for 07.05.24. View the full list of winning numbers below and receive live updates on prize details. Players can also download today’s Akshaya lottery results in PDF format at 4 PM.
Today & Yesterday Result
1st Prize Rs.7,000,000/- [70 Lakhs]
AJ 456729 (CHITTUR)
Agent Name: PRIYA M
Agency No.: P 6350
Consolation Prize Rs.8,000/-
AA 456729
AB 456729
AC 456729
AD 456729
AE 456729
AF 456729
AG 456729
AH 456729
AK 456729
AL 456729
AM 456729
2nd Prize Rs.500,000/- [5 Lakhs]
AH 508927 (CHITTUR)
Agency No.: P 1859
3rd Prize Rs.1,00,000/- [1 Lakh]
1) AA 616956 (ERNAKULAM)
2) AB 201240 (THRISSUR)
6) AF 609517 (ALAPPUZHA)
7) AG 472170 (KOZHIKKODE)
8) AH 591925 (PALAKKAD)
9) AJ 998770 (PAYYANUR)
10) AK 260607 (KOTTAYAM)
11) AL 449165 (PATTAMBI)
12) AM 250699 (ERNAKULAM)
4th Prize Rs.5,000/-
0300 0994 1080 1513 1621 3725 4391 4434 4476 5336 6155 6461 6515 6557 7154 8906 9778 9835
5th Prize Rs.2,000/-
2259 2382 4654 5719 5942 6337 7721
6th Prize Rs.1,000/-
0017 0246 1339 1836 2120 2412 2822 3188 3321 3938 4040 4259 4409 5093 5769 6041 6787 7071 7307 7798 8171 8492 8657 9118 9296 9714
7th Prize Rs.500/-
0048 0244 0291 0406 0408 0495 0942 0992 1167 1536 1603 1705 1842 2148 2823 2951 3071 3102 3370 3393 3433 3483 3495 3508 3699 3804 3833 3841 3968 4440 4564 4716 4791 4859 4860 4914 5072 5088 5251 5360 5376 5553 5709 5833 6126 6544 6563 6590 6729 6788 6991 7101 7156 7449 7624 7648 7837 7917 7988 8047 8178 8205 8562 8633 8728 9061 9189 9375 9470 9706 9954 9990
8th Prize Rs.100/-
0029 0433 0458 0468 0554 0577 0587 0621 0624 0646 0802 0820 0824 0830 0944 1078 1082 1113 1121 1170 1373 1430 1677 1799 1812 1935 2009 2059 2126 2167 2201 2262 2294 2300 2413 2500 2655 2681 2737 2811 3116 3166 3227 3376 3544 3607 3680 3733 3748 4024 4155 4268 4287 4319 4349 4362 4449 4502 4530 4545 4566 4581 4586 4631 4635 4994 5090 5316 5384 5394 5429 5496 5502 5632 5821 5880 5975 6083 6401 6516 6542 6637 6653 6664 6928 7172 7309 7312 7397 7415 7459 7477 7573 7601 7620 7665 7811 7817 7828 8009 8080 8217 8284 8291 8373 8530 8532 8574 8800 8858 8899 8936 9087 9222 9262 9382 9396 9465 9520 9566 9577 9721 9994